Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Good News

I found a co-worker whom belongs to the same gym as me.

I'm usually so gung ho about things I couldnt explain why i fell off like I did. Today it came to me. I'm only home between 8pm and 7 am. Typically I'm sleep from 11 through 6am. thus I'm only left with 2 quality hours at home.

Something has to give. Either the job or the living situation, and today i wouldnt even be mad if it was both.

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Side Step or Two


As usual I was dreading this Monday. Going back to work. 2 days off dont feel like enough. I want 4 ten hour days instead. I digress.

I packed my gym bag, and before our 10:30 walk my boss sent an email canceling them. All of them, in their entirety. I cant believe my team quit like that.

I'm still bummed about it. I whined to my boyfriend on the way home.
"Anyone who cant keep their word, isnt worth shit."

I grew up with a mother who broke her word and I hate how it's made me bitter an cynical. I hate how I react to disappointment. I've dropped friends and boyfriends because they didnt keep their word.

I still have my gym membership, and i cant wait to meet some like minded people.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I hardly have any plans today, but I'm excited. I'm going to the gym. I never thought I'd see the day when I looked forward to working out. I like this attitude.

I even felt a little bad about not going yesterday. My boyfriend was suppossed to go out of town, so I was sure I'd have the house to myself. he changed his mind, therefore Friday will be my day off.

I had been looking for a plan to follow, and I think I got it. Inside of Oprah's Guide to Life, she has a Twelve Week Plan. It's pretty strenuous, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.

Off I go.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Step Two

My manager initiated a Health Walk. Of course i singed up thinking that there was nothing to it. This walk is 1.2 miles and it goes around Piedmont Center.

Monday was day one and I didnt bring a change of pants. By the time we finished my abdomen was soaked.

Tuesday half the team was missing, so I led the nature walk. Both days we finished within 25 minutes.

Today I went to LA Fitness for the first time. I had planed to join the 8pm pilates class, but then thought better of it. I ended up cycling for 2.5 miles on the stationary bike, which took 20 minutes, but my 2 miles on the treadmill took over 30 minutes. On top of that I walked home from the bus stop for a total of 5.5 miles today.

I hope I keep this up.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Another Foot Forward

Today there was a health fair at work. i was really nervous. Turn out all my levels were normal.

  • blood pressure 127/94
  • glucose
  • HDL 52 total cholesterol 188
So I went ahead and joined LA Fitness since they waived the initiation fee.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm sick. I've been in denial, but I'm facing it today.

I'm also have a very bad food craving. I want a cake with vanilla butter creme frosting. Sugar makes me happy.

I'm finishing off a huge bowl of fruit I bought from Publix. It's full of strawberries, pineapple, grapes, and watermelon. I'm going to take my puppy to a dog park and play fetch. I'll try to keep my mind off my cravings.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Begining

Today I will eat enough food to fuel my body.

Thanks Russell.